Expert Witness Wins until September 2024
$24.8M and $192M Jury Trial Judgments During 2024, I have been involved in several patent and trade secret cases with major testimony with significant public judgements for my clients: Blue
Innovator, Expert Witness, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Inventor
$24.8M and $192M Jury Trial Judgments During 2024, I have been involved in several patent and trade secret cases with major testimony with significant public judgements for my clients: Blue
EGLA CORP and Dr. Edwin Hernandez-Mondragon are assisting Tracktime LLC in a patent matter against Amazon, Inc. The case has developed to the point that a motion for summary judgement
I can report a PTAB Success for a patent owner. Usually, PTAB Trials are not beneficial for patent owners and result in patent invalidity. As part of my expert witness
Music Choice vs Stingray Settlement arrives right before trial. This case has been analyzed by me, from an expert witness perspective from two angles: ♠ Technology and Patent infringement 7
Continue readingAnnounced Settlement Music choice and Stingray Digital for $13M
As an Inter Partes Review Consultant, I draft declarations and assist my clients in Federal court and PTAB. I have experience assisting clients from startups to major corporations. In
Continue readingInter Partes Review Consultant – Sample Declarations and Reports
A new KPI-based Damages Model is introduced in this article. This KPI-based Damages Model and analysis works when Panduit test fails for a computation of loss profits and only works
Continue readingKPI-based Damages Model for Wireless communications
Inter Parties Review System – A New Proposal I am attempting to make an series of three proposals, on how the patents are reviewed by a PTAB into the
BigData Presentation – Radio Frequency / Mobile CDS Intelligent Positioning of RF Cells for 4G/5G I was invited to FAU (Florida Atlantic University) to present at one of the MBA
Continue readingBig Data Presentation and 4G/5G Intelligent Cell Positioning