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Dr. Edwin Hernandez: Entrepreneurial Activities – Innovation Expert
The involvement of Dr. Edwin Hernandez with ventures started in 1995, when he founded COMPUNET, one of the first ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in Honduras. The EGLAVATOR is a technology space were all the innovation lead by Dr. Hernandez and EGLA CORP happens daily. Dr. Hernandez’ innovation expert advice is in use by its clients as part of this eco-system.
As an innovation expert and savvy business owner, and Dr. Edwin has generated independently more than $2.2M in revenues, licensing, consulting, and office accelerator income. Dr. Hernandez has invested in his own technologies, patents, and other ventures, that some have succeeded and other have not. As an entrepreneur, I can list some of the companies he has been involved with:
- EGLA COMMUNICATIONS – Founder and CTO – Main corporation for more information go to www.egla.us
- MEVIA – Cloud to Cable – A product for EGLA
- MOBILITY WORKX, LLC commercializes Wireless Intellectual Property (Patents & Software)
My technology incubator and accelerator is called EGLAVATOR, blending the words “EGLA” and “ELEVATOR.”
Additionally, EGLA CORP is the main backer and operator for our technology incubator/accelerator, EGLAVATOR.
The EGLAVATOR is a technology incubator and accelerator in the heart of Boca Raton, FL.
Investor to several Startups:
We currently have over 14 startups and technologies that we serve:
We also provide our projects with support for cloud-based related and software-defined networks, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Artificial Intelligence, Wearables, and infrastructure services for Fiber Optics, SDN, and others.
We also have a TV Studio and host multiple shows:
EGLA’s promise to its customers is:
“Bring Cloud to Cable TV to any provider of music content and television creating a multiplatfoem experience that includes Cable TV systems. “
MEVIA is Cloud to CABLE TV, a patented technology that covers distribution of music, TV, and video content to Mobile and Cable TV Systems..
A brief teaser of EGLA COMMUNICATIONS:
Some pictures of what we do:
Mobility Workx, LLC
Commercializes intellectual property and 4G LTE Patents.
UBIWIRELESS, LLC – Wireless Consulting Services – dba EDWIN HERNANDEZ LLC. A Florida-based LLC . This is the licensing arm for me, all companies hold exclusives or non-exclusive licenses from myself to them. EDWIN HERNANDEZ LLC owns all the patented assets owned by Dr. Hernandez and other purposes.
Rapid Mobile Technologies, Inc – Closed – It used to commercialize US Patents 7231330, US Pat 767508 and US Pat 8213417.
This was the first company created by Dr. Edwin. COMPUNET stands for Computers and Networks. In operation from 1996 – 2009, COMPUNET was one of the first ISP in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. ISP stands for Internet Service Providers, a dial-up offering with hundreds of subscribers in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Initially COMPUNET started as a computer business only, assembling computer parts and selling PCs, became an ISP with leased lines and under CONATEL’s license. Now COMPUTE is no longer in operation. However, COMPUNET pioneered in teaching setting up one of the first multimedia classrooms with more than 20+ desktops teaching internet access and computing skills to many NGOs, communities, and in general to many new internet users in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Other Companies
- Novoris Technologies – Smartfit – Business Plan Competition Winners and Runner ups 2000-2002 at the University of Florida.
- Phoneomena, Inc – Assisted Dr. Helal with his company while a student at UF
- CBS Biomedical, Inc – Demolizer II product
- Copley Retention Systems – A minority owner with Mark Cuban in this Weston-based Startup.