

Research and Development:  Edwin Hernandez, PhD

My main Research Areas:

  • Media Streaming, TV, Audio Broadcasting and Production
  • Cloud Computing Systems, Platforms, and Mobile
  • Augmented Realty and Mixed Reality Systems
  • Network Management Systems and Interfaces
  • Mobile, Wireless, Handover, and Emulation in 4G/5G systems 
  • Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic 

Media Streaming and Cable TV Systems

Our current R&D focuses on bringing cloud-platforms to CABLE TV and viceversa, including IPTV and
OTT Delivery methods from cloud-based storage and streaming systems. As such I have developed the Mediamplify Platfom that includes:

  • Mediaplug technology to deliver content from cloud to cable systems
  • Mobile apps
  • HTML5 Players
  • API backend
  • Cloud storage
  • Auto-generated sites
  • Backend for billing, sales
  • Encoding/Transcoding

Videos of Work Product in Streaming / Media

Sample videos created by our platform.

White papers

Nuestra Technolgia Mediamplify – White Paper Small

Edwin Hernandez – Technology Overview – Draft – Small

mediaplug capture 01
Cable TV Capture 

As a great beginning in 1999, I joined the High-Performance Computing and Simulation Research Lab, creating new and advanced HPC platforms, now the same principles apply to cloud-computing.  The advancements in cloud allowed me to create a full-fletched lab allocated at EQUINIX.

Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality 

AR Anemometer, AR Controller for Heat

I am interested in AR and MR with the ways devices are controlled and how technologies such as OpenCV can be used as inputs and detect objects compute speed, and other important factors.  

Cloud Platforms

Cloud Components and Platforms

A major area of my research involves cloud computing and having my own cloud using XenServer, Linux, and Docker Containers enables quick testing together with AWS.  All work related to MEVIA and Cloud to Cable falls under this category.

Wireless, Mobile, and RF Wireless R&D

  • MobileCAD has been updated and modified to work with 4G/LTE as a prototype.

MobileCAD – GSM / GPRS @ EGLA 

Experience: Development of patent analysis and developing MobileCAD prototype using USRPs and software-defined radio technology including assembly and clock reference implementation using USRP and creating the simulation environment for fading and attenuation management to mimic RF/Network situations for a GSM device.  Designed and developed 3G/4G version of emulator and create specifications for the device called MobileCAD.

  • Research Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, January‟00-August‟02

RAMON – Rapid Mobility Network Emulator

In late 1999 and early 2000, the question was:

” Is it at all possible to keep an internet connection in a fast moving environment as a train or a car moving a high speed, while obtaining 1Mbps or even 10Mbps of speed?”

Back in 1999, the mobile technology available with “fast” internet was WiFi and some initial developments were made in “Packet Data” services such as Motorola iDEN and others.

However, although our research begin with class with Dr. Helal called “Mobile Computing” and a small simulator was created using C/C++:

  • Research Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL September„97-December„99

Network Management and Adaptive Sampling (AI with Fuzzy Logic)

Experience: I joined thee High-performance Computing and Simulation Research Lab.
During my thesis work, I applied Fuzzy Logic in Network Management, focusing on how
adaptive sampling could reduce captured statistics without loosing important network behavior. Additionally, I researched ATM networks, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA) over Myrinet, CORBA, and High-performance Cluster Computing topics.

Wireless Power Management

  • Program Manager Intern, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA May’01-September’01

Experience: As an intern, I investigated self-similarity and power management algorithms for Wireless Networks. I modeled the method how service time per packet could be estimated and used for QoS in ad-hoc and infrastructure networks.

Network Management

  • Network Engineer: Radiografica Costarricense, R&D, Costa Rica. January‟95-July‟95

Experience: I developed a micro controller-based  (x8051 and RUPI-51 micro-controllers) system to measure X.25 and PBX data traffic, Windows-based GUI, and X.25 frame captures

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