
Edwin Hernandez MEDIA, Videos, and Interviews 

TECHEDTV Podcast in all Plaforms – Apple Podcast 

Zoom & Podcast Interviews as Expert Witness

TECHEDTV – Video & Youtube Channel

As an media entrepreneur, I venture with different podcasts and mown show called : TechEdTV. TechEdTV is a media magazine and video blog dedicated to technology news, conferences, startups, and interviews. Includes podcasting series. The “Ask Alice” show aired in Key Biscaine and was cancelled in 2019.

Older Podcasts in SoundCloud:

Edwin Hernandez Videos on Products

This section includes video Edwin Hernandez, PhD and other productions done at the MEVIA Studios:

The MEVIA Studios is located also at the EGLAVATOR and we have cameras, 4K, HD, SD, 360TV, and audio room for radio productions with sound proof walls and all the different requirements found in modern radio/TV studios. The studio is designed to broadcast to Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook and other online video playback systems with VOD or Live video feeds.

My cloud-computing platform, MEVIA Studio brings your broadcast to all devices, Cable TV, Youtube, Facebook Live, name it. Our team of post-production engineers can also touch, edit, and make your broadcast, documentary, interview, look fantastic with our cameras and equipment.


Our production facility has all the requirements for modern Youtube, Vimeo, *.* broadcasting! 

Coverage Voyage-MIA

Edwin Hernandez Videos (2016-2017)

Interviews and Videos of Edwin Hernandez:

Honduras Global  en Gente TV

Honduras Globa – Porque Nos Importa

Edwin Hernandez Videos – 2015

Here some Videos of Edwin Hernandez in 2015

Edwin Hernandez Videos – 2010

  • Interview WebConf Latino 2010 on Facebook Video
  • “Web Móvil” WebConf Latino 2010  – Predicciones del Movil 14:10  ( En español )
    1. Para el 2015 Smartphones en todas partes, se eliminan el feature phones
    2. Usar Aplicaciones nativas en Android y iPhone
    3. Multimedia va a ser la siguiente revolución
    4. En un Q/A
      1. Android a convertirse en un “commodity” – Android sera el lider del mercado
      2. Contenido le dará valor al teléfono, no el teléfono en si
      3. Los carriers serán “Tranport” o solamente transporte – Plataforma de Transporte
      4. Voz — Sera eliminada como Voz, sino estaría en IP – Internet – Voz y Datos
      5. De 10 carriers a 3 ( Now 4 )
      6. Blackberry desaparece y es reemplazado por Android – 23:30
      7. Muerte de FLASH 30:55
  • Interview “Frente a Frente,” TN5, August 11th, 2010
  • First Tuesday Honduras – 2010

2009 – Mobile Monday Miami, War of Mobile Browser

2008 – Mobile Commerce Americas 2008

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