Inspiralia and EGLA Partnership

Inspiralia and EGLA CORP are partners for SBIR, STTR Grants

Inspiralia is a company that helps startups in technology ventures gain funding and grants, specifically through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program that leads to SBIR Grants.



SBIR Grants have many resources, for instance: 

This SBIR and STTR programs allowssmall businesses to receive funding without sacrificing equity, and the government allocates $3.5 billion annually towards this program. The SBIR program is geared towards innovative technology that is too risky for investors to finance, but is necessary for development.

Watch the interview with Fernando on

Inspiralia started in Europe, where they helped companies win grants through Horizon 2020, the largest R&D finance scheme for companies in the European Commission.

Since 2017, they have expanded their business to the US, with headquarters in Miami. The company helps startups identify which federal agencies are interested in investing in their technologies, with agencies such as the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, NASA, National Institute of Health, and National Science Foundation being the bigger ones. The funds awarded to these startups are used to turn their ideas into prototypes, validate tests, build commercialization plans, and take them into commercialization. SBIRs and STTRs are the two types of grants available, with the main difference being that a small business is the lead applicant for SBIRs, and universities become co-PIs for STTRs. The amount of money awarded varies depending on the agency, with the Department of Defense receiving the largest budget of $1.8 billion.

The web page says that:

“The SBIR and STTR programs fund a diverse portfolio of startups and small businesses across technology areas and markets to stimulate technological innovation, meet Federal research and development (R&D) needs, and increase commercialization to transition R&D into impact.”

EGLA CORP and Inspiralia are now partners and help your startup reach better proposals for SBIR and STTR.

Many SBIR projects are listed and required very-well drafted proposals that Inspiralia can help with and at a reasonable rate.



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