TGI Friday April 14th, 2023 – Dan Gudema and Dr. Edwin on AI and Innovations.

In this episode we cover TGIF Fridays with AI and EGLAVATOR Project, here is the transcript and a summary from ChatGPT, as follows:

First Summary from ChatGPT:

The conversation appears to be an informal chat discussing the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its widespread adoption across different technologies. They note that public awareness of AI has increased, and AI has become more familiar and understandable to the public, leading to its embedding in various technologies. The conversation touches on various AI-related technologies, including voice recognition, computer vision, and machine learning, with potential applications in a broad range of areas, including medicine, transportation, and entertainment. They predict that the use of voice-based user interfaces will increase, replacing traditional user interfaces. They also discuss the potential for AI to make processes more efficient and user-friendly. The conversation concludes with a comparison between the rise of AI and the craze around cryptocurrency, with AI seen as more foundational and having more practical applications.

Second Summary from ChatGPT.

The first paragraph discusses the importance of focusing on creating a mass-market solution in the crypto world rather than solely on technical features. The speaker mentions an AI entrance system that is functional and could be sold immediately.

The second paragraph is about water management in Florida, particularly during heavy rainstorms, where excess water is pumped to different areas to prevent flooding. The speaker also mentions a tunnel being built by Elon Musk’s Boring Company between Las Olas and Sunrise, and how it will not be a replacement for a bridge, but rather a new connection between the two locations. The tunnel is described as having a moving platform for cars.

As you can see, at, we use a voice recognition engine and we will compare it to

Otter.AI results

You guys are listening to the tech TV podcast in series. In our show, we’re bringing you the best and technologies, innovation, the startups, FinTech, artificial intelligence, cloud computing. And the latest and greatest in technology, or the show is brought to you by teaghlach. Communications at the EEG levator in Boca Raton, Florida.
The Morning Good evening. Good afternoon, watching and listening.
CDI Friday, Friday.
April 14 14, right. It’s like, we had all this rain. We’ve had it for longer than I think I got the days messed up. But yeah, so anyway, so welcome, everyone here. Hi, Dan. How are you? Hi, I’m doing better today than I have in a few weeks. Good. Okay, so we just had a little bit of an interesting chat with Dr. Amos. That’s right, much. That’s right. Yeah. So you guys are gonna see that too. And I’ll put the link below. But yeah, so we wanted to discuss like the what’s going on with all this chatter material is going on?
Well, yeah, I mean, what do you think that is? Well, on everything? I do think yes, I do think that. I don’t know if it’s gonna change anything radically. But it’s here to stay like, what’s going on right now. And I’m in it. I have a deck out with Chet GPT. On the deck, I have aI on my deck. So prior to check GPT and last November 22, I think before it went live, there was no real knowledge by 95% of the public had heard about AI. What’s happened is that it’s not that the tech is so changed so much. Chechi Beatty, has it’s that public awareness of AI has risen up very similar to what happened with Blockchain. In 2020. We saw the same thing happened with crypto, could this totally correct. So as we’re in the the race of AI, I think like it will even have EGLA dot AI.

So we are we’re all embedded with AI that’s always been around. We know, it’s been around for 10 years, but people are more likely to buy because it has AI they understand it. There’s personal knowledge of it. I would say, you know, one in 50 People are using chat CPT on a regular basis that we know actually probably more are going to be more common. Yeah, absolutely. But one of the things I want to do here at the elevator is that we’re going to have on board that the board assistant, so you can open the door with this. Oh, my opening a discussion with the bot
can even do face recognition and with a camera. So then they can see oh, that’s Dan, welcome, then. And then you have a package waiting for you at your mailbox. Gotcha. Gotcha. So you do you feel that almost every process that goes on in the world, where there’s some interaction with with either hardware, or tech, or voice, there’s an opportunity for AI to make it more efficient? Yeah, in fact, I think that’s going to replace the user interface because now more via voice based user interfaces. The way I see is this evolution is that that the remember the green screen when we had before and the 1980s yet we’re still some terminals there with word IBM 3250 or something i It’s whatever. So those green terminals then became a user interface with windows they became a website. Now we have responsive websites. I think all that may be still going but it will be more text, but just like, okay, just like every every, you know, wave we’ve seen, you know, crypto craziness, we’re talking AI what is what’s going to happen with AI craziness? No, I think he’s going to stay stocks will go public people will make money. 16 year olds will FERS something out, I got a guy. I got a guy’s problem come in here who’s a marketing guy who learned how to make some kind of AI bot and interact with Twitter. I want to meet with him because I have ideas. Okay, so there’s these not so technical people who are getting like kits to do stuff already. This is kinda remind me of crypto all over again. Yeah, and I think it’s a similar craze. But yeah, but AI I think has more foundation and crypto has more like years and years and years of research. So much more usefulness, or using distributed stuff is not useful for everything. Yeah, exactly. It’s more of a FinTech more financial This is more like applicable to anything. Yeah, like your car, everything your car or like band or like we all make a lot of mistakes in our car right now. Like if I reach my phone, that’s not good. Like we need better interfaces are communication.
A lot of critical Doctors need all kinds of API’s during operations. There’s all kinds of opportunities for AI across the board, every technology area, and this way humans interact, right? humans interact with toys. We tell our kids don’t do that, or do this, or we teach people with intimate information with voice. So that’s that’s going to be the realistically you have to separate the different kinds of AI, right? There’s the AI where we’re talking that’s make with voice and interacting. But then there’s AI
I that’s doing the data gathering and making things more efficient. From the backside. Right? Yeah. So they’re multiple. Yeah. So they’re back. They’re back. There’s user interface, artificial intelligence, from
computer vision to voice recognition to all those Machine Learning Technologies. And you have the back end that learns Big Data Use millions of files. And that’s okay. Can I tell you it is crazy, because I’m already I have a deck that an investor reviewed last night they saw they looked at the docs and already Okay, for a new AI thing. That’s a variation on what I’m doing in the current SEO business. But it because it has the AI stamp on it Chechik dp and AI stamp on it? We’ve already got the means with investors. Well, that’s That’s exactly right. In fact, like, yesterday, I had a call from this guy from Goldman Sachs for the NFT number. So I think I want to go and see him in the afternoon. But then that has a little bit of AI. Actually, I’m trying to bring a little bit of that. In fact, I’m connected right now. phone the phone number to a bot, you can cause someone but then the bot will be able to answer your questions. Gotcha. Use Case is very simple. You’re in a phone call. And then we’re we’re debating about like a subject matter.
Okay, let’s call the block. But the one thing you got to be smart about this, because I remember crypto and your interaction with crypto world is think money. Think about making money. Like let’s not focus in on what’s cool, technically, let’s focus on what’s really going to be a mass market solution. So that’s our
inventions, and not that many. I mean, we spent there’s a lot of like, I’ve told you before, that you made a nice AI if you were starting to work on AI entrance system, the AI entrance system that’s functional. We can have a sales guy knocking on doors right now.
So just say that
you happen to listen.
Yeah, so that’s one thing. Unfortunately, we had this event and wanted to say way to that.
So we had this long reign that he didn’t Oh, my God. Yeah. years. They said, You know, they say that. I don’t buy that. I had a friend who grew up in Fort Lauderdale in 1974. They were going down la Solis and canoes, not the first time that that’s correct. That’s not true. That’s not true. So the river has risen up and gone three feet, four feet high. was four. Actually the thing is, is a little bit of rain. Yeah. That was probably something that but I can tell you. I can tell you it wasn’t as bad as it could be because a lot of people who are new to Florida particular are not aware of water management and their ability. Like out in Pembroke Pines yesterday, somebody told me or in North Miami, somebody told me that they noticed that during the big rainstorm, eventually the water seemed to be going away. And what’s really going on is the local canals. Water Management was sending the water west to the Everglades who’s sending water north and may have been sending water down south. So the when there’s big storms here, and it’s concentrated in one spot like hurricanes, water management moves the water all the way up to Lake Okeechobee area. Right? Right. Right. Right. They move it out of the way and and if it’s that bad, they move it into the Everglades. And if it even gets worse, they move it into the ocean. And that’s happened to me they pump water everywhere. Now it gets to a point where they’ve tried all those things and they’re done.
Yeah, well the entire airport was inundated so notice how 20 within eight hours all the water went down yes yes. That’s because they are shipping that water all around the state pumping it everywhere. And without that we do not exist here in Florida. Yeah, so that’s that’s the tech part of it as a tech part of it Yeah. Oh pumping area because it broke once my wife said in 1970s It broke the system broke and in mid Boca they have three feet of water in the in the road. This is the reality of no one in other words that made me in 15 feet and down to Florida didn’t have the water management. Wow. The truth that’s that’s so we don’t know about that. We can even test that right now. Yeah, we would never we would never know how high the water can get but it could get that high. So we’re just not aware our awareness has been limited by what we know. Well, it was very sad we were prayers those are having some major trouble we had no we had no there was no death really it was it was a death but there were just people losing maybe belongings imagine in a below grade apartment slightly below grade on first level. Was that say they had the one that you like underground like basement? Yeah.
Was that a CD actually the CDI what about what about the what about the tunnel? The tunnel guys that’s of course Yeah. Probably 25 feet in summary.
Why not the build tunnels in Florida.
Like you put you know what’s the name is as a contract with the city of Miami. They’re gonna build a tunnel. No Fort Lauderdale is going to build a tunnel to Elon Musk, the channel the the something company the boring. The boring company is going to make a tunnel that goes down
Under the canal between less olace in the beach, a little further north is going to connect us. Yeah, we’re gonna have the first tunnel to get over there another they’re not replacing the bridge, they’re gonna make a connection about between Las Olas and sunrise. They’re gonna make another tunnel. Well, the better accidents and everything I think I think so the
but the boring company is not like a straight tunnel. Your car drives on like a thing. And then it moves your car.
Okay, well anyway,
because they waited to the April 25. We have an event here. So. So what’s going on there? We have three we actually have three startups I know about and two that you are bringing to me. I haven’t heard about them yet. I know.
They call me as the dinner over competitor, Uber competitor that falls under one of my categories of why to just stop now. But anyway.
Billions of dollars in the app is functional. Why to just stop now?

All be supportive of them. I want to hear their own story. Yeah. So that’s, there’s a social one. There’s one that’s a social we have some real internet ish people coming in. There is one that has a some kind of supplement for losing weight, okay, that it said in their docs that it’s for cats and dogs right now in horses, but but eventually they want to get the FDA approval. There’s a term for it, but it you just take the pill and supposedly melts the fat. But it is a real supplement pharma pharma thing. It’s not like BS, okay. They met. It’s an Israeli company. They’re here in Boca book area. We’ll see if they show up.
And there’s another guy named Fung. I can’t remember what his was about. Oh, alert track. So I don’t I think it’s some type of alarm kind of tracking system. Wow, cyber, okay. Somebody’s calling? Yeah, I’m getting the same problem me. Alright. So our problem is, our big issue is
and when I have people cause, that

what do I do?’

I don’t know how to do it.

Sorry, people. Our problem is we’re both ADHD and we’re constantly contacted all day long by people about different ideas. So people that are wasting their time. So let’s talk about the more important thing here. Okay, is Edwin has been on track to get more organized this year. Part of that, you know, what I’ve been trying to do is give away my projects, focus on one or two, just really focus in, right, even though I told you it was a brand new AI venture coming along, it’s kind of like a more, it’s an extension of what everything I’m trying to do right now is an extension of my whole history, the dating event company and the SEO company are all the same line. So I can keep my mental mind straight. For you. The issue is, you have a lot more irons and fire than me a lot more ideas, but but I’m also saying that I went through training years ago that you take everything in your life, put it in and really figure out what the priority is. So there is something that is a priority for you, I’m pushing you to focus on it or work on it. Because it’s such a big priority, a big thing that we’re I heard the word and I hadn’t heard that. It was a category category.
So, you know, it’s funny, there’s something there’s something above so there’s a new feature to an app, there’s new there’s a new app, there’s a new category, meaning like apps have just been invented new category Yes. And then there’s so there’s a whole new platform category there’s something above that someone but sector sector, a new sector creating a sector then it’s like and the book that I was saying it’s all about this is called Think bigger. Okay, and if I have the PDF I’ll send it to you it’s worth just looking over about how to enter the category How to Talk correctly as you’re entering new category because that’s how you have to approach this. Okay, use category use parenthesis you guys to get ready for the Chiefs NFT preload presale Oh, we sold already like 50 And if these already gotcha gotcha and today so stay tuned keep on watching episodes underscore NFT and NF T and if you want to get into t equal Vader still a great place to go right great place to go while we’re sitting here another artist potential NFT guy calls so we’re gonna we’re gonna he may be coming in a little bit guy so we have so we have the bears remember the bear the bears? What about the cats? No, the castle didn’t progress.
Bird to the birds. But the bears is all utilities are some mainly art and you deal with this with art and then we have the Gillis NFT as well as the Gillis entity. So we are the W three. We are a W three shop. Yeah, we were I went to the Miami and if the weekend he did he was much smaller than the one we weren’t sure it was. I’m sure it was. They have more people talking. Okay. It’s became more. Okay. There will focus more on utility this year. A little bit more towards utility. Yes, it was. Okay, great. So you think it’s going to turn into more of a tech conference and less
The guys with big muscle conference girls with giant press
thing it still was like that, in fact, oh God, a bunny, but it was less than it was like Kim Kardashian conference. It needs to be more of a tech conference, not Kim Kardashian. Yeah, well, anyway, so that’s so according to the media verse, right? Yeah, so the media is an operating system just to make sure you get that it’s a distributed operating system where the TV’s around your displays. And these devices we call phone becomes your controller, controller, so you can manipulate the interface with your fingers. And then you can use the camera as your camera, your microphones, your microphone, and then you can interact with those TVs, as if there was a TV and the internet is like a huge computer that does all the messaging and processing for you. Absolutely get it. You know, I’ve been trying to boil it down to all the TV’s the world work together on a new set of applications. Exactly. Well, we’re gonna get you more of that in a future episode. Because, yeah, if you’re interested in that, then you’re listening to these podcasts and listen to the next couple episodes, because realistically, this is going to be we use the word Edwin as a builder, who’s going to probably do this a little bit live as he’s doing it a little bit more, hopefully, yes, yes, we are really fall for the path in this path and path. And it really is something we have a path of, they’re gonna follow that, you know, I’ve seen a lot of tech stuff. And this is really something different. So you know, it’s it is, you know, I was listening to the founder of blockchain, say how, when he had come up with the idea at the moment, he came up with the idea, and then he put together a paper afterwards, the next day, he didn’t go to bed, and I kept thinking about it. And in the morning, he started putting together the paper at Bell Labs about blockchain. And how he in his mind was saying, this is going to change the world is going to change the world. So there are things that do happen. Ideas that do change, you know what his professor said, if you can change the world with something you do, and that make a mark of any sort, that they you can make a change, because just remember, his professor said, just remember, you had the you’re the guy with the idea he was the guy with the idea. You have to let other people who are smarter in business and better take the idea to the next level. That’s it, they have to be able to take the idea to the next one. Because we I think we come away to the SK like almost every day. Yeah. Not a problem to generate more ideas. I mean, this I really think I think this the one thing about this concept, the media verse concept is it will I know for a fact, it will make jobs, two jobs, it will create jobs, create jobs, a different type of mentality. And the thing is, well,
we might create more companies to create companies, economics and jobs. You know, and therefore, it may have some Look, I just see it as some Look, nobody, you can do it, but it’s uh, sounds ridiculous right now. Be able to easily rent a band on your TV for a party. It sounds like a silly thing to do. But the band could be on the big screen TV. And people could be asking for to Hey, play this song. So like that band today, maybe practicing tonight and has no gig or level we say before this scenario, you have a zoom call. And right now you’re constrained to your phone to go. Yep. But now you have the zoom call on your TV, or any TV or maybe two TVs at the same time, one for one person. And then you use the phone as your camera. I guess like that. This is like the description of patents was always the words. It wasn’t obvious. So this was not so obvious. Now it is obvious now that we see it and
we’re describing it we’re looking at a TV tour, right? That’s just sitting there dead with a screen on it. So it wasn’t obvious that all these interfaces could be used in way for inefficiency, job creation, make something happen without bringing in another computer. That’s really that was not so obvious. That’s why it’s very very patentable. Right, okay. And that’s why it is very strong conceptually. But in the future, it won’t tell you more about telling more about it but it’s very interesting details because it needs branding and he’s a lot more but this is part of this eagle Vader and incubator process. Alright guys, so thank you very much. That was one less thing I got tickets from Karen gave me tickets to a conference I’m going to next week called possible it’s possible it’s called possible it’s like a DNA marketing conference I in marketing people for all the world to coming to for to my age, but the thing is, it’s the worst name conference I’m ever gonna go to in marketing. Possible sounds like something I will
possibly do. It was possibly was it possible it wasn’t very good. Anyway.
You merchants and developer conference they do tomorrow. Saturday is another week will be emerged in the weekend.
This show is brought to you by EEG lab communications at the EEG lab.
We’re in Boca Raton, Florida.

EGLA.AI results

0:00:01.200 –> 00:00:20.160
you guys are listening to get the be podcast and series in our show
will bring you the best and technologies innovation the startups been
tag artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest and
greatest in technology work this show is brought to you by eagle eye
communications at the eagle of eight in boca raton fla

00:00:20.160 –> 00:00:20.490
or other

00:00:24.750 –> 00:00:25.140
the morning

00:00:29.610 –> 00:00:29.910

00:00:30.840 –> 00:00:31.260

00:00:33.570 –> 00:00:35.700
april fourteen or the right

00:00:36.510 –> 00:00:56.340
we’re all this rain we headed for the other thing i get that day’s
messed up again yeah so arizona welcome everyone year i then i i am
doing better today and i haven’t a few weeks to get okay so we use had
a little bit of an interesting show with up for a amazon that’s right
met the train yes oh yes going to see that to and up with the

00:00:56.490 –> 00:01:16.530
below but yes we want to discuss like that that was gonna widow the
jedi be durable junior room is gone on ah yeah what do you think that
is as well on everything i do think yes i do think that i don’t know
have to change anything radically but it’s year’s day like what’s
going on right now

00:01:16.620 –> 00:01:21.630
i’m i’m in in i have a deck out which actually be key on the deck i
have a i’m a deck

00:01:22.350 –> 00:01:42.480
so prior to jackie be key and last november twenty second think before
it went live there was no real you know knowledge by ninety five
percent the public the heard about ai what’s happened is that it’s not
that attack is so changed so much jackie bitty has it’s that public
awareness of ai has risen up

00:01:42.660 –> 00:02:02.610
very similar to what happened block chain and twenty twenty we saw the
same thing happened with crypto protest at the liquor axes read the
yeah i said the race of a i think like whoa you and i have eagle adult
the i yeah when or where so where were all embedded with a either so
it’s always been or we know it’s been around for ten years but people

00:02:02.730 –> 00:02:22.710
more likely to buy because it has a i the understand it there’s
pearsall knowledge of it i would say your one in fifty people are
using catchy picky on a regular basis though we know the actually
raleigh more going to be more calm games but where are the things i
wanted to hear the at the glove errors are we going to have a or on
now bot net

00:02:23.070 –> 00:02:33.330
the board assistance with met you can open the door with this on my
open in a discussion with the bought them happened with him into
facial commission and catching the with a camera

00:02:33.900 –> 00:02:54.000
so then he could see ya as than welcome them and then you have a is
waiting for you at the and your mailbox gotcha get so you do feel that
almost every process that goes on in the world where there’s some
interaction with with your hardware or tech or voice there’s an
opportunity for a i to in make it more efficient the

00:02:54.000 –> 00:03:14.160
yeah in fact the thing there’s going to replace a user interface
because loud even more of your voice base user interfaces new ways
sees these of illusion is that that the rember that that the green
screen when we had before and and in my knees yet where you’re you’ve
still some terminals there with were i b m thirty to fifty years of
nights or whatever so those are

00:03:14.160 –> 00:03:34.320
green terminals then they became a user interface when when those they
begin a website know how responsive web sites a thing or that may be
still going but it was more text but just lies and okay just like
every every you know we’ve seen you know crypto craziness we’re
talking a

00:03:34.320 –> 00:03:54.420
like what is wait what’s gonna happen they i cruises know i think is
gonna have to stay stocks will go public people will make money
sixteen year olds will fears something out and as as i got a guy who
have are you guys prime come in here who’s a marketing guy who learned
how to make some kind of a i bought her and it that interact with
twitter i want to meet with him because i have i

00:03:54.480 –> 00:04:06.660
years ago so there’s not so technical people who are getting like kits
to do stuff ready this is kind of mine we have crept all over again
yeah neither right is it a thesis a similar to raise but yet

00:04:07.200 –> 00:04:27.360
but a i a the has more foundation and crypto has more luca years and
years and years of research and social usefulness i’m more use
distributed stuff is not useful for everything yeah exactly is more to
fear that more financial this more like applicable to win a few like
your car every new car are like band or like we all make a lot of
mistakes and car right now

00:04:27.360 –> 00:04:47.520
yeah like if i reach my phone this are good like we need better
interfaces are founder and occasion i’m a lot of critical doctors need
all kinds of a eyes during operations is all kinds of opportunities
for a i crossed the border every technology area and us what humans
interact with humans and room boys we’ve we without or kids don’t do
that or do they

00:04:47.520 –> 00:05:07.680
his or with teach people with my me information would voice of that’s
that’s going to be the but realistically you have to separate the
different kind of the i write there’s the ai we’re we’re talking
that’s me with voice and interacting but then there’s a i this do the
data gathered in making things more efficient from the backside right
yes multiple as with their back at the back at this huge

00:05:07.680 –> 00:05:09.660
or interface or to result though him from

00:05:10.950 –> 00:05:30.690
computer vision to one is shown to all this much she learned
technologies and you had the back in the learns the data to use the
millions of files and that’s and okay can i tell you it is crazy
because i’m already i have a deck that investor you last night they
saw they look at the docks and already hooker for a new ai

00:05:31.080 –> 00:05:50.880
thing that’s a variation on what i’m doing in the current is your
business but it because it has the ai stamp on it a dp in a i step on
it we already got the needs of investors was that’s exactly right yeah
that guy yesterday i had a call from this guy from goldman sachs where
the and if the number so i think one

00:05:50.970 –> 00:05:52.290
was seem in the afternoon

00:05:53.310 –> 00:06:12.870
but then as a little bit of a i actually have i’m trying to bring a
little bit of that you factor and connector a now phone the phone
number to a bought the you can because someone who bought them the
bought would be able to answer your questions to use cases very simple
you’re in a phone call and they were the word

00:06:12.960 –> 00:06:32.970
banning about the subject matter who he really know okay galas call
the bought but the thing you gotta be smart about this because i
remember crypto in your interaction with crypto world is think money
think about making money zach it’s like let’s not focusing on we
little technically let’s focus on what’s really good be mass market
solution gas guzzler ronnie

00:06:33.270 –> 00:06:42.630
ethnic branches and not that many a may we spent there’s a lot of i’m
like i’ve told you before that you mean and i say i restarted to work
on a i entrance system

00:06:43.200 –> 00:07:03.360
dn yea i am from system that’s functional we can have a sales guy
knocking on door right now spare sell it and such asked zone to say on
that how it is happened at least it’s a yes so what does one thing i’m
and unfortunately we had this for long of and the wanted to say way to
that you so we had this long reign that you did

00:07:03.510 –> 00:07:23.520
oh my god yeah years he said you know they say that i don’t buy that i
had a friend who grew up in fort lauderdale ninety seventy four they
were going down law solace in canoes not the first time that that’s
crap that’s not true that such as isa sudan the river has risen up and
gone three feet four feet high as was half were actually the thing is
is a loot

00:07:23.520 –> 00:07:43.680
to bid or a yeah and his boss and as was probably is something that
but i can tell you i can tell you it wasn’t as bad as it could be
because a lot of people who are new to farm particular not aware of
water management and their ability like out and pembroke pines
yesterday somebody told me or in north miami somebody told me that
they noticed

00:07:43.710 –> 00:08:03.840
that during the big rainstorm eventually the water seem to be gone
away what’s really going on is the local canals water management was
sending the water west to the everglades us would what north and may
have been sending water down south so the when there’s be storms here
street in one spot like hurricanes water management moves the water
all the way up

00:08:03.870 –> 00:08:24.000
legal control the area re they moved out the way and and if it’s that
bad they moved into the everglades and it even gets worse they move it
into the ocean and as we will happen is that they pump water
everywhere now guess the point where they’ve tried all those things
and they’re done a shower the terrible was inundated with notice how
twenty within eight

00:08:24.000 –> 00:08:43.860
hours on what went down yes that’s because they are ship in that water
all around the country rusty you pump it everywhere and without that
we do not exist here in florida yeah so this is as as the cat part of
it as a tech part of yell pumping area because it broke once my wife
said and nineteen seventies it broke the system brooke

00:08:44.190 –> 00:09:04.320
and indeed boca they have three feet were no in the road this is the
reality of that no wouldn’t either is that maybe and fifteen feet and
data for order the have the water management wow the truth as they’re
still we don’t know about a week the can attest that right now yeah we
would never we would never know how high the working yet but it could
get that high so

00:09:04.320 –> 00:09:24.480
we just not aware awareness has been limited by what we know it was
where is our prayers mods or all those are having some may have
trouble we’re not we’re know there was no death really do that i was a
death wish there was the bulls losing maybe you belong imagine a blow
great apartment slightly blue grade on first level wise that say of
the the

00:09:24.480 –> 00:09:27.990
hello the the one the laker on the ground they got basement yeah

00:09:29.250 –> 00:09:42.660
it was a cd actually the city i would not what about the yeah what
about the top the dog as the flow of course yeah probably twenty five
feet of money that summary and as the emerged why not the build
tunnels in florida epithet

00:09:43.620 –> 00:10:03.600
like a you but you know what’s his name is as a contract with the city
of miami they’re going to build a tunnel might snow fort lauderdale is
going to build one hundred to the mosque the elon musk the channel the
the something company the woods whoring the boring company is going to
make a tunnel that goes down under the canal between less all isn’t
the the beach little

00:10:03.875 –> 00:10:17.585
this is gonna connect the yeah the other first toppled to get over
there another did not replacing the bridge they’re going to make a
connection about between less all this and sunrise are gonna make
another tunnel well better access as and everything at the i think i
saw the

00:10:19.085 –> 00:10:25.175
but the boring company is not like a street tunnel your car drives on
like a thing and then it moves your car

00:10:27.125 –> 00:10:45.935
they were a and that is already exists i waited to the april twenty
fifth wheel read here so so was going on them ah we have three so we
actually have three startups i know about into that you are bringing
to me i haven’t heard about him yes i know i called a communist leader
to season

00:10:46.115 –> 00:10:53.285
overcompensate hoover competitor i that falls under one of my
categories of why to just stop now but anyway

00:10:53.795 –> 00:10:58.835
they have a good use of those in the app is functional why to just
stop now but the

00:11:01.115 –> 00:11:19.955
i’ll be supportive of them i want to hear their own story for their
army moyes as there is a social one there’s one that’s a social we
have some real internet is people coming up there is one that has a
some kind of supplement for losing weight okay that it’s set in their
docs that it’s for

00:11:19.955 –> 00:11:40.115
cats and dogs right now and horses but but eventually they want to get
the of the approval i there’s a term for it but it it it you just take
the pill and supposedly melts the fat but it is a real supplement
farmer farmers thing it’s not like bs okay are they make the isn’t an
israeli company they’re here boat book area will see if they show up

00:11:40.715 –> 00:11:45.095
ah i’m and there’s another guy named song i can remember his is about

00:11:46.085 –> 00:11:59.105
alert track so i don’t i think it’s some type of alarm kind of
tracking system cider okay so let’s call the ambulance and prom me or
who i meet our problem is our big issue is

00:12:00.425 –> 00:12:03.065
when i had people cost that

00:12:06.215 –> 00:12:06.485

00:12:08.315 –> 00:12:27.395
canada i had a were sorry i how of these people are problem is we’re
both eighty hd were cosby contact all day long by people about
different ideas so we will there was so let’s talk about the more
important thing here okay is edwin has been on track to get more
organizers year part of that your would i be

00:12:27.425 –> 00:12:47.555
try to do is give away my project since focus on one or two just
really focus in you know told the brand new a i venture come along
with garlic and more it’s an extension of what i get everything i’m
trying to do right now is extension of my whole history the dating
event company and the as your company or all the same line so i can
keep my mental mind straight for you

00:12:47.585 –> 00:13:07.715
the issue is you have a lot more ions and far the me a lot more ideas
but but i’m also saying that what’s your training years ago that he
take everything in your life put it in and and really regret what the
party’s you are so there is something that is a priority for you on
pushing you to focus on it we’re working on it because it’s such a big
priory a big thing

00:13:07.715 –> 00:13:27.875
ing that we’re i heard the word and i hadn’t heard that were it was a
cat a new category i’m so you know it’s funny that some there’s
something above so there’s a new feature to an app there’s new does
new app there’s a new category meaning like apps have just been
invented new category this and then there that’s to the home

00:13:27.905 –> 00:13:48.035
new platform category there’s something above that someone that a
sector such a new sector or creating a sector them as and the book
that it was saying all about this is called think bigger okay and of a
have pdf ascended to you it’s worth just looking over about how to
enter the category how to talk correctly as you enter new category
because that’s how

00:13:48.095 –> 00:14:08.195
you have to purchase okay you cabinet user brands is is that are you
guys to get ready for the tubes was and if the pre lot resale oh we we
saw the really like a fifty and if these already oh gotcha gotcha and
today so stay tuned keep keyboard chips on the score and if the and
and of tea in and ah if you wanna in see you a better still great

00:14:08.195 –> 00:14:20.885
place to go right replace us while we’re sitting here another artist
who potential and if the guy calls were going to cut will gonna he may
become a and little because so we house or we have the bears remember
the bears the bears what about the cats

00:14:21.515 –> 00:14:23.495
no the chasm in progress okay

00:14:24.365 –> 00:14:44.045
the has ever to the birth of the birds but but the bears is is all
utilities are some mainly art and the utilities without and then we
have the gillis and if the as well the gillis entities we are the w
three ah we are w three shop there we were i went to the miami and if
the weekend he did he was much smaller than the while we were

00:14:44.195 –> 00:15:04.293
i’m sure was unsure one was that that with they have more people
talking okay as be i can more okay that that there were a focus more
on utility this year a little bored toward utility yes he was okay
great so you think it’s going to turn into more of a tech conference
and less of the guys with big muscle conference and girls which i am
on earth as

00:15:04.865 –> 00:15:24.515
a thing is there was a bad effect oh god a bunny by the was less than
it was like him car dashing conference in easy be more of a tech cover
like impression that world anyway so this is also go by the media
viewers right yeah so the media is and appraises them used to make
sure your gotcha that is a distributor breezes them where the tvs

00:15:24.515 –> 00:15:44.675
is around you or displays and is the visor core phone because your
controller or steam controller so you can manipulate the interface
with your fingers and then you can them use the camera as your camera
newer frontage microphone and then you can interact with those duties
as the was a tv and the end

00:15:44.675 –> 00:16:04.835
or net is like been use computer that those or the messy and and
process for you absolutely get it in i would try to boil down to all
the tv is the world worked together a new set of applications exact
but we’re going to get more of that and in it in a full episode
because if yeah if you’re interested in that then in a you’re
listening to these podcast and listen to the

00:16:04.835 –> 00:16:24.995
next couple episodes because realistically this is gonna be we we use
the word or edwin is a builder who’s in a probably do this little bit
live as is doing a little bit more health yes yes ah as i either were
a fall for for the pet path as the band any it really is something and
we have a proper they can follow that you know i’ve seen lot of tech
stuff in this is ray

00:16:24.995 –> 00:16:45.155
really something different so you know it’s it is it i was listening
to the founder block chain say how would you come up with the idea at
the moment he came up with the idea and then he put the other paper
afterwards the neck he’d go to bed and i kept thinking about it and in
the morning he started can together the paper bell labs about watching
her and how he does mine missing the

00:16:45.305 –> 00:17:05.315
in chains rose and she’s world so there are things that do happen
ideas that do change what you know what is professor said if you can
change the world with something you do and in that make a mark of any
sort that the you can make it changes just remember his professor said
just remember you had the at your the got the idea he was go the

00:17:05.315 –> 00:17:25.475
idea you have to let other people who are smarter and business and and
better take the idea of to the next level that’s it they have to build
take the idea to next because we’re think we come away the as gilligan
was everyday yeah not a problem every my idea i mean this i really
think i think this the one thing about this concept the media verse
concept is

00:17:25.475 –> 00:17:38.435
is it will crew i know for fact will make jobs to job a we will great
job brokerage houses different type of mentality anything is well i
know just a broke me my kramer companies to great companies economics
and jobs

00:17:39.335 –> 00:17:47.765
you know and therefore it may have some look i just see it as some
look nobody you can do it but it sounds ridiculous rena

00:17:48.545 –> 00:18:08.435
be able to easily rent a band on your tv for a party itself is silly
thing to do but the ban could be on the big screen tv and people could
be asking for to hey play the song so like that be and today may be
practicing tonight and has no good or or or or or lower we said before
this an area

00:18:08.435 –> 00:18:28.595
awesome call and right now you’re constraint your font django yet when
i had doesn’t go on your tv yeah or any tv arabia to tbs of same time
one for one person and then you use the foreigners your camera i guess
that this is like the description of patents was always the words it
wasn’t obvious so this was not so obvious now it is obvious now that

00:18:28.625 –> 00:18:48.755
see it now with i will not what were described will look you to tv to
a writer just sitting near dead with the screen i’m so it wasn’t
obvious all these interfaces could be used in way for for inefficiency
job creation ah make something happen without bringing in another
computer court that’s really that was

00:18:48.785 –> 00:19:00.035
not so obvious that’s why it’s very very palatable right okay and
that’s why it is very strong conceptually in in the future if will
know more about the more about it was very interesting more details

00:19:00.275 –> 00:19:16.625
i’m because it needs branding and these up more but this is part of
this eagle evader an incubator caught process or i guys think you’re
rumors that there was one less thing i am i got tickets from carrying
game tickets to a conference i’m going to next we called possible

00:19:17.585 –> 00:19:37.475
it’s i caught possible it’s called possible it’s like a dm a marketing
conference i and marketable for all the world coming to your fuller to
on the east but the thing is it’s the worst name conference or i’m
ever gonna go to for a marketing quickly as possible south as on the i
would have possibly it was possibly was the possible it was very good
anyway while and

00:19:37.625 –> 00:19:46.385
umar emerging emotions as follow the rover golfers they do tomorrow
though the a sari saris and another week will be emerged in the can

00:19:47.645 –> 00:19:48.155
all good

00:19:49.175 –> 00:19:49.445

00:19:55.745 –> 00:20:01.445
this show is brought to you by teague like communications at the eagle
of either in boca raton florida

00:24:29.330 –> 00:24:49.490

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00:29:51.890 –> 00:30:12.050

00:35:36.310 –> 00:35:42.040
this show is brought to you by he like communications at the eagle
evader in boca raton florida

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