Dr. Hernandez has many clients as part of his expert witness consulting, including small and large corporations such as: Citrix, AT&T, CDW, BMG, Intellectual Ventures, Bank of America, Bell Northern Research, Talent Mobile, Blue Radios, Square One, Express Mobile, and many others. As well as assisted law firms in those cases including, Fitch Even, DLA Piper, Dickinson Wright, Devlin Law, Kasowitz Benson, McKool Smith, Vedder Price, and many others.
Dr. Hernandez has been involved in multi-million dollar settlements and jury trial awards, including:
- LG v.. Intellectual Ventures, a $17M dispute, in Delaware – Testified at trial
- Mojo Mobility v. Samsung , a $192M award at trial – part of expert team
- Blue Radios v. KOPIN INc, a $25M award at trial -Testified at trial
- Talent Mobile v. Headious Group, a $700K award at trial – Testified at trial
Also has testified, at Federal Court in Delaware against Amazon, representing Tracktime.
Software Audits and Startups
In software Audits, Dr. Hernandez lead a time auditing the “Honduran Government – National Property Institute” – World’s Bank Platform with thousands of records, property, Geospatial databases, Oracle systems, .NET, and many other tools. The main systems are called SURE and SINAP.
In startups, Dr. Hernandez has helped over 80+ ventures and advised, invested, in several others that include PointsKash, MedMatch, SEO Turbo Booster, Adams Ventures, Cirrus Core Networks, ALDA, BlueDog Tech, Wind2share, and many more at the EGLAVATOR.