Compilation from Source
If you wish to install glusterrfs in a fresh out of the box Ubuntu 12.04 machine.
- Download first the glusterfs3.3.1 Download Source Code
- You may also need
- sudo apt-get install flex
- sudo apt-get install bison
- sudo apt-get install openssl
- sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- An error like this may occur after you run autoreconf -f or ./configure
checking if libxml2 is present... ./configure: line 12975: syntax error near unexpected token `LIBXML2, ./configure: line 12975: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBXML2, libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.19,'
- YOU MAY NEED TO DO THIS BUT NOT REQUIRED!!!git clone git:// As you may have an older version installed of libxml2
- cd libxml2; ./; make; make install
- By default libxml2 will try to install using python-dev, simply install it or remove it from the ./configure commnand line
- apt-get install python-dev
- make; make install
- cd ..
- REAL SOLUTION FIX: You need to autoreconf -f, but first
- apt-get install pkg-config
- pkg-config libxml-2.0 –modversion
- This should return 2.9.1 or similar…
- autoreconf -f
- automake –add-missing
- ./configure
- make; make install
- IF this FAILS, you may need to git clone run ./ and ./configure again before make;make install in the glusterfs directory.
You need to create a /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol file, that is going to be read as glusterfsd. If you see the old, GlusterFS used to use gluserfs-server not glistered. The client remains glisters for all versions.