DEI – Departamento Ecumenico de Investigaciones

When I lived in Costa Rica, 1991-1995, I made a lot of friends at DEI. The Reaearch Ecumenic Department deals with social and theological issues focussing on Latinamerica.

My dad even published a book when He was working there :
My dads’s book ….

Back in 1993, I was called by them to fix a “computer problem,” it seems their IT guy left their invoicing system (old FOXPRO DB) locked and they couldn’t use it, since I was into “Computers & Electronics,” I went there and figured out a backdoor their main IT person had left for himself, we used it and then decided to make a whole new Invoiding system, which I did, and became slave of…. I had to go to this place, at least 50 times in a yr, nnd fix bugs, make some new reports, etc, until the system finally worked wihtout problems. I don’t think I have that code anymore but it was all in pascal with all sorts of searches, optimized for DOS 4.x,and back in those days an x286 machine.

I also remember fixing some old MACs with a friend, and deploying a Novell Network that was not fully deployed by their old IT guy… This place had MACS for editing the books and mixing Novell with Mac was a real deal….. This thing was consuming my time and being a EE is real hard on your schedule, so I had to stop doing this support, maybe once a while some help, but not as I did for about a year.

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